Originally Uploaded to Miljana Monic's Channel
Video Description:
"This week's Fruitful Talk is with Andrea Reyes a sustainable fashion mentor. She A Bernadette founder and one of the founding members of the New York City Fair Trade Coalition. Andrea is a true example of a young woman that makes a difference in the world and leads by example.
Her journey started at a young age as a student at FIT. Her trip to Uganda was just another door that she opened that reminded her of the leadership we lack in our society to change our fashion footprint. Today she demonstrates this by educating entrepreneurs and businesses through both being a mentor and member of www.NYCFTC.com.
I think I will not do her justice by writing her story here so that is why I recommend you watch her share her story.
HOW SUSTAINABLE IS YOUR CLOSET? On a piece of paper or your phone answer these questions:
* Where do you get your coats from?
* Where do you get your jeans from?
* Where do you get your sweats from?
* Where do you get your shoes from?
* Where do you get your bags from?
* Continue for all your clothing…
Recommendations from Andrea around sustainable brands at : https://www.thredup.comhttps://bhavastudio.comhttps://voltaatelier.com
For undergarments, she recommends a B-Corp company as it is a challenge to find something second-hand. Here is a source to find a variety of products, https://bcorporation.net/director
You can follow Andrea and support her projects here:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/a.bernadette11
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abernadette11
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp5b...
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